Soft Skills.
A Competence is the combination of Knowledge, Ability and Aptitudes. Knowledge is the result of study. Abilities are acquired through on-field experience. Aptitudes include predispositions, personal traits.
The term Soft Skill refers to a competence that is transversal, i.e. non-technical; examples include inter-personal communication, leadership, team working, public speaking.
Soft Skills and Talent.
In the Industry 4.0 society, Soft Skills represent a fundamental asset to achieve professional Success.
According to Manpower, Soft Skills account for 55-70% of Talent (the mix of competencies needed to achieve success). The World Economic Forum also supports the statement that Soft Skills are an essential ingredient for professional success.
Awareness is the key to Success.
Soft Skills require self-awareness to fully exploit their potential. We envision a 3-Step Awareness (3SA) acquisition process.
- Are you aware of what Soft Skills are required for the specific profession/job you are aiming at?
- Are you aware of the role plaid by Knowledge, Abilities, and Aptitudes in those Soft Skills?
- Are you aware of your own Soft Skills?
You need to be aware of your own strengths, to rely on them. You need to be aware of your own weaknesses, to improve. How can you achieve the necessary level of self-awareness? Do you think an online questionnaire is sufficient? We do not think so.
Soft Skills For Success.
SoftSkills4Success (S²4S, read it “es two-four es”) is a project aiming at supporting young professionals and University students to identify their strengths and weaknesses in terms of Soft Skills.
S²4S offers instruments to measure and quantify the level of Soft Skills of individuals, implementing the 3SA process.
It was launched in 2010 by Prof. Roberto Verdone of the University of Bologna. Electronic Engineer, Professor of Telecommunications, he has been giving courses on Soft Skills and collaborates with psychologists and experts of Human Resources, for more than one decade.
Since 2023, S²4S is part of the program RESTART, funded by MUR through PNRR. In this context, S²4S has stemmed three training initiatives:
- S²4R (Soft Skills For Research) dedicated to young researchers;
- S²4P (Soft Skills For Professionals) dedicated to people working in companies;
- S²4E (Soft Skills For Edu) dedicated to Professors who want to improve their presentation abilities.
Project Management and Soft Skills – PMSS
S²4S relies on the experiments performed over classes of students attending the course he helds at the University of Bologna since 2010: PMSS – Project Management and Soft Skills. More info under Education.
[IT] Soft skill per il successo. Ai tempi della quarta rivoluzione industriale, tra scienza ed esperienza.
Un saggio scritto dal Prof. Roberto Verdone, edito da Patron, disponibile dal 28 gennaio 2024 su Amazon e nelle librerie Universitarie, sostenuto dal programma RESTART finanziato dal MUR. Raccoglie l’esperienza di PMSS e molto di più. La parte interattiva del saggio si trova qui.